jeLLOw pAgeS,工具。

Saturday, June 26, 2021

RepAiRing pROject : Tian-Tsui hairpin , the bronze bar。點翠髮簪,紀錄(八)。

It's time to find out how the bronze bar looked like.



As the main structure of the ornament, the bronze bar is the most important part and would make the hairpin looks very different if the curve varies. Since I haven't got any photo of the hairpin, I think it would be easier if I considered that the bronze bar is an arc length of a circle then find out which circle is the most reasonable, and beautiful to it.


So I did some math and checked with the motif sizes at bottom layer, and decided that the bronze bar is either a 1/3 or a 1/4 circle (the other two choices are 1/2 and 2/5, but NG). Let's try and see.



To be continued.

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