jeLLOw pAgeS,工具。

Monday, June 28, 2021

RepAiRing pROject : Tian-Tsui hairpin , the curve。點翠髮簪,紀錄(九)。

Upper: 1/3 arc length, lower: 1/4 arc length. Both of them are looking good, but I need more evidences. Let's check with the hairpin itself.


The bronze bar is collapsed and the curve of it is neither even nor smooth, however I am not sure if it was the whole piece damaged in different conditions, or it was just the left side broken. Comparison needed.

New clues are found. I put the hairpin on my drawings and check the curves, and it goes together precisely with the 1/3 arc length. The bronze bar is a 1/3 circle!





To ensure that, I've tried to make it to fit the 1/4 arc length, and it appears that it is certainly a 1/3 circle. The bronze bar was not only 'fighting' against the force from me but even spilt a little when I was straightening it, and also due to the curve was straightened, the bottom layers that attached to the bronze bar were getting flat and other motif pieces became boring since all the delicacies were flattened out.


Moreover, the bronze bar itself is a rectangular shape flat rod and was bent with an angle, and by doing this ornament has a three-dimension structure (like a sphere). Therefore the bronze bar spilt a bit when I was straightening it because I didn't and couldn't anneal it since it's an object of virtu, and I suppose that I was bending against the structure too.


Saturday, June 26, 2021

RepAiRing pROject : Tian-Tsui hairpin , the bronze bar。點翠髮簪,紀錄(八)。

It's time to find out how the bronze bar looked like.



As the main structure of the ornament, the bronze bar is the most important part and would make the hairpin looks very different if the curve varies. Since I haven't got any photo of the hairpin, I think it would be easier if I considered that the bronze bar is an arc length of a circle then find out which circle is the most reasonable, and beautiful to it.


So I did some math and checked with the motif sizes at bottom layer, and decided that the bronze bar is either a 1/3 or a 1/4 circle (the other two choices are 1/2 and 2/5, but NG). Let's try and see.



To be continued.

Thursday, June 24, 2021

RepAiRing pROject : Tian-Tsui hairpin, the pieces。點翠髮簪,紀錄(七)。

Let's look into the ornament:


The curved bronze bar is the main structure of the ornament, and there are six motif pieces soldered to the bar: a four-piece set above it and a two-piece set below. The sets are soldered alongside the bar (end-to-end) as a bottom layer, and they are the base of the ornament, as well as the foundation of the beading - there are nine loops on the connecting wire above the bar and the beading was secured in here.



As mentioned before, there are 'extra' wires wrapped to other supporting wires, and some of them are with the motif pieces. I presume that these motif pieces had detached from the supporting wires that had already been soldered to the main structure, and for some reasons the previous repairer soldered new wires to the pieces and simply wrapped them back to other wires on the main structure. All have been removed now.


It's getting clear.... the ornament is so damaged since the main structure is collapsed, and I presume that the pressure / squeezing came from the side since 1) the way the bronze bar crushed, 2) there is a motif piece at the edge of the ornament spilt from the main body (luckily it's not missing).


To be continued.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

RepAiRing pROject : Tian-Tsui hairpin, the main body。點翠髮簪,紀錄(六)。

It's difficult to say how many layers they are on the main body since they are overlapped with each other, and this is how the ornament is formed. The shape of the ornament and the pattern look symmetric, however, it is not mirror-like if you look into the details. There are subtle differences between the pieces at left and right, such as the locations the sizes of them. The ornament looks symmetrical by adjusting the supporting wires that soldered to each motif piece at back.


Most of the supporting wires are shaped like the idea of a coil, and I assume that this is not only made adjusting the motifs easier and more precisely, but also gave more spring to the wires so each motif quivers while the wearer is walking / having movement. The supporting wires are soldered to a curved bronze bar, which is the main structure of the ornament.


I unwrapped the wires (anti-wrapped-wise) and straightened them for later works, and found that there are some 'extra' wires wrapping to the supporting wires.... for more strength (maybe).


欲知後事如何,且看下回 分 解。

Let's take a break.