jeLLOw pAgeS,工具。

Sunday, March 17, 2013


She was born in the year of dragon, she is a chamaeleon; she is a hearty person. She is Carol.

Monday, March 11, 2013

RFKStudio Exhibition|Objekt in Space: Thinking Through Mould

RFK Studio exhibition 'Objekt in Space: thinking through mould', Treasure Hill Artist Village / Cross Gallery, Taipei City, Taiwan.

「台灣與荷蘭.當代材質與藝術.交流展」展覽以創作的過程為概念主軸,內容除了Peter HOOGEBOOM與ShuLin WU吳淑麟兩位藝術家在台駐村期間的共同創作過程之外,同時也將展出冶器物件工作室所舉辦的「陶瓷首飾工作營」之創作過程與成果。歡迎前來寶藏巖國際藝術村十字藝廊現場參觀感受!


展覽時間03/14補充說明:每週四、五採預約制,若欲前往請先去電02 2364 5313*308洽詢。不便之處敬請見諒。