jeLLOw pAgeS,工具。

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Series of mOOn。月の系列。


I fell in love with Lava when I first time saw it. The dark, dull, and rough surface gives it a very different appearance to other stones, which makes it so extraordinary in those jewels.


under the moonlight。方寸之間。

the rocks。天上的圓,地上的方。

Earth and Moon。天球與地球。

the phases, the faces。旬・循。

wander, and wonder。徑・靜・境。


To be continued.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Waxy Nephrite。蠟光閃玉。

I love the greyish / dark green colour of Taiwan Jade (Nephrite), and these waxy babies really caught my eyes!

to dear wife。吾妻。

of a couple。百年・好合。
